Pre-conception advice
If you are planning a pregnancy there is some important health advice you should be aware of. Please make an appointment any day of the week with a nurse who will be happy to discuss this. Patients who are planning a family are advised on diet and recommended medication.
Asthma Clinics
Asthma clinics are held by Diane and Sue who review our patients with asthma disorders, they are encouraged to attend for monitoring and education. Smoking cessation advice is given. All patients with Asthma will be offered at least an annual review to monitor their condition
Diabetic Clinics
Diabetic Clinics are held by our practice nurses.
All patients are offered at least an annual review and six month monitoring appointment. In 2005 Hartlepool PCT received funding to provide a digital imaging camera as well as funding for a podiatrist. This service is based at One Life Centre in Hartlepool and is open to all patients registered in Hartlepool. The practice encourages patients to attend as this is a valuable service specially designed so that all diabetic screening takes place at one venue.
Patients will receive a letter from the Diabetic one stop shop for a pre review screening which will include blood test, height, weight and blood pressure as well as retinal screening and podiatry. You will receive this invitation approximately four weeks prior to your annual review being due at the practice. When you attend the one stop shop you will be advised to make an appointment to see one of our practice nurses within two weeks who will discuss your results and offer support and information and management plan. Glucose meters are available to our patients.
Coronary Heart Disease Clinics
Diane holds a clinic to see patients with coronary heart disease or those at high risk. They will be offered an annual review to monitor their risk factors and treatment. All CHD and stroke patients are offered at least an annual review to monitor their condition.
Healthy Heart Checks
If you are between the age of 40 and 74, you may be eligible for a healthy heart check. Please ask at reception for more details.
Cervical Smears
Cervical Smears are undertaken by all our practice nurses. Automatic recall appointments will be sent every three years or sooner as necessary if a previous abnormality has been found. We follow the Tees wide Cervical Screening protocol and you will automatically be invited to attend for an appointment before your smear is due
Child Health and Immunisations
By appointment any day of the week all new babies are invited for regular check-ups from eight weeks old. Parents will be invited to make an appointment for their child's initial vaccination, according to the national schedule. Please feel free to discuss your child's immunisations with the doctor or nurse.
Stopping smoking
Pop into your local pharmacy for advice and support when trying to give up smoking.
Flu Vaccines
Patients 65 years and over and those with chronic diseases will be invited for an annual flu vaccine. Clinics are held during October and November, look out for the dates which will be displayed on the patients notice board.
Pneumonia Vaccines
Patients 65 years and over and those with chronic disease such as Heart Disease will be offered an appointment at the flu clinics or by appointment throughout the year. Usually only one pneumonia vaccine is required.
Shingles Vaccines
Patients between 70 and 79 years old are now to be offered a shingles vaccine. If you come into this age group, please contact the surgery to make an appointment.
Travel Advice
Advice is given on travel immunisations and precautions. Please remember that some immunisations have to be started several months before you leave, so book well in advance. Please ask at reception for a travel form which should be filled in and returned to the surgery in order for the nurse to inform you of the vaccinations you will require.
Minor Surgery Warts and Verrucas
Please make an appointment to discuss this with the doctor at consultation who will advise you on appropriate treatment and whether a referral is necessary.
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception can be obtained from local pharmacists, details are available in reception. However if you prefer to consult with a healthcare professional you will be offered an urgent appointment with the doctor or nurse. All reception staff are aware of the practice protocol and will be happy to give you further information on services available.