We welcome new patients to the Practice, before you register with us, please check our Practice area map
You can also check the Practice covers your postcode at Find a GP - NHS
For patients not already registered with our practice, if you wish to pre-register click on the link below to open the form. When you have completed all of the details, click on the "Send" button to mail your form to us. When you visit the surgery for the first time you will be asked to sign the form to confirm that the details are correct.
Online Pre-registration Form
Fill out a GMS1 registration form and New Patient Questionnaire to register with the practice. You can download the forms below or you can request it from reception.
We require the information below to complete your registration:
- Name and address of your last GP
- The address at which you were registered with that GP
- If you are from overseas, your place of birth and the date you arrived in the UK
- Your NHS number – find your NHS number
- Your signature
Named GP
Every patient is now allocated a named GP. This may be different from the GP you usually see. This does not change the way you book appointments.
It means that one GP will have overall responsibility for your care at the Practice. The Practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate any requests regarding any preferences to be with a specific GP.
Should you wish to know your named GP please contact us and speak with a member of the team.
New Patient Health Check
All new patients are offered a "New Patient Health Check" appointment with one of our Health Care Assistants to ensure that any required tests are up to date and that we have an accurate note of any repeat medication you may be taking.
This does not affect medical treatment which is available from the date of registration.
Proxy Access
If you are managing the health of another, you can apply for proxy access. This provides access to the person's online account for:
- book and view appointments
- order medication
- access to medical records
Proxy access on behalf of children
People with parental responsibility for children have rights to access their children’s records. This is in most cases. Not all parents have parental responsibility. Proxy access for parent and guardian to a child’s record is a practice-level decision.
Proxy access on behalf of another adult
A person with their own online access account can register for proxy access on before of another patient. Proxy is the recommended alternative to sharing login details.
More Information
Read the RCGP guidance on Proxy Access for more information [EXTERNAL PDF LINK]
NHS App: Using linked profiles to access services for someone else
Proxy Access Form
Return the completed form to the practice.
Temporary Registration
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a GP but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP Practice for up to 14 days.
After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local Practice list and remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that Practice.
To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local Practice you wish to use.
Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a Practice in the town or area where you are already registered.
Form Downloads
GMS1 Form
New Patient Questionnaire (PDF, 219KB)
Practice Area